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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ban Snares

Scotland Left Hanging

PLEASE Sign the Petition to BAN SNARES:

Ban Snares: Take Action


Photos of the Victims Click Here

About Snares:

Common Q's & A's About Snares= Click Here

What are snares?

Ban Snares

Snares are thin lengths of wire that are used to trap wild animals perceived to be 'pests'. Although their purpose is to immobilise predators, snares have the potential to cause extreme suffering to animals and in some cases a painful, lingering death through disembowelment, decapitation
or even losing a limb.

Snares are unselective. Any animal is at risk from a snare including protected species such as otters and badgers as well as deer, hare, livestock and even domestic cats and dogs.

Ban Snares

In use.
Snares are used by some farmers to try to catch rabbits, and by gamekeepers on sporting estates to try to catch foxes in an attempt to protect game birds reared for shooting. A recent poll found that an overwhelming 75 per cent of people were opposed to their use and thought they should be banned. Despite such strong support for a ban on snares the Scottish Government has yet to prohibit them. But we believe a ban in Scotland can - and should - lead the way for the rest of the UK.

Learn More:

US Patent Office: Patent 5561940: Snare Traps for Animals

US Patent Office: Patent 4751790: Snare Traps

Pets and Traps: Trapping Case Report

Traps Pose Danger for Pets

Get the Facts: Types of Traps

[US] State Prohibitions on Leghold, Kill-type and Snare Traps

Ban Snares in Scotland

Below are videos of those in the US that are still using Snare Traps:

Snaring Rabbits

Coyote Snaring

1 comment:

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